Sofia is gone . . . forever
Good bye Sofia. You were the sort of person that we always remember with good spirits. You were among the only people from my father's family that I always remember in good terms. You appreciated me and admired me. You made me really feel as a part of the family. You are in my genes and you will live in them with me forever. If I have children, I want to tell them about you and the great person that you were. I resemble you, I didn't know, but now I know. Your departure hurts me and now I feel away from them: my Father, my uncles and aunts and worst of all, my sister. It is weird, I did not adapt to the situation. In your funeral I felt out of place . . . weird huh? taking in account that I was as part of the family as any of them, I felt like that. . . and that is really odd. I think they saw it, it was almost self evident. I did not manage the social relations that they manage, I don't care if they quarrel between them . I only wanted to be there with you in the last moment. I think I was the last person to say you good bye, there, in front of the oven dors. . . Good bye, Grandma, Good bye. Please help me make my good dreams come true and forgive me if I offended you any time: it was not my intention. Thanks for your attentions and your love. Always yours, LF
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