Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Siesta vespertina

En esa tarde lluviosa llena de destellos los ví  a través del tiempo y el espacio, visitando el infinito por un rato en la sombra complaciente de las nubes y la música incesante de las gotas.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Tu sonrisa y mi alegría

Me uno a tí en tu sonrisa y con tu sonrisa vivo, princesa
en la felicidad infinita del momento
en que siento mi mundo compartido
con la inocencia que me ama desde siempre.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

La visita de la sombra de Ananda

Escribí este párrafo hace varios años. Lo encontré revisando papeles viejos antes de llevarlos al fuego de donde no habrían podido escapar.

"En la soledad intrascendente de los sueños llegó de nuevo una visita largamente esperada. Una visita con ojos y sonrisa. Una visita con labios sabor a tabaco y café con lijeros rizos castaños que se dejan mover por el aire de los jueves que tanto me hacen falta.  Era la sombra de Ananda. Llegó de la nada, envuelta en una aurora apacible perceptible aun con los ojos cerrados; una de esas auroras que se puede invocar a voluntad cuando estamos solos y que nos llenan de dudas cuando no lo estamos. Que crueles son las logicas autoimpuestas, qué cruel  es no darse la oportunidad de amar, cuando en la superficialidad de la ignorancia creemos que tal amor no tiene sentido. "

Monday, November 23, 2015

Reflexión Vespertina

Gracias a mis amigos por estar conmigo. Gracias a mis  enemigos, porque me han hecho fuerte.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Small hack to install Xilinx Vivado on Debian

Since Vivado uses uname -i to check if the operating system is really 64 bits, a very simplistic wrapper can be generated as follows:

cat > uname <if [[ "${@}" == *"-i"* ]]; then
  echo "x86_64"
  uname $@

chmod +x uname

export PATH=$PWD:$PATH

Then the installer doesn't complain anymore : 

Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Xilinx Installer.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
INFO : Log file location - /home/gralfca/.Xilinx/xinstall/xinstall_1444534477290.log

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Back in the time when I was studying engineering, I saved money from what I was working on to buy a hp48gx calculator. They are awesome units. They use reverse polish notation for normal calculation and they are programmable using RPL(reverse polish notation, similar to lisp. Powerful language). In short, the calculator was stolen by somebody in the university when I was about to graduate. I never bought a replacement, but last week I found an Android app called Droid48 which comes from an open source project. If you have the time and previously used an hp48, try it out. It's awesome.

Friday, February 21, 2014

On redundant and concise writting

Albert Einstein stated that everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler. Developing a little this idea, a statement is simple when you have removed from it everything you can and you still express the same idea.

French are specially concerned about the format of their writing. Americans too but not to the same extent. They use formulas to write texts in which each part of the text should contain some predetermined kind of information. For instance in an essay, you must write an introduction telling what you will say, then two paragraphs saying it, and then
a final paragraph indicating what you said. If you think about it, in this example you're sort of saying the same thing three times. This ultraredundant writing style  is shocking for a concise writer. Some friends of mine are concise writers and consequently they dislike this approach.

This week I had to express a procedure/idea to some people. I did it in a very concise way. After I finished the presentation people started to ask questions, which is normal. I was shocked to find that some questions were not about implications of what I had just said, but about express things that I had already said. I answered with "as I said before, ... ". What happens to this people?

After reflecting on the issue, I came to reason that being concise may be good, but if you are too concise, your audience requires to focus all their attention during all your presentation. You may think that this is expected if they respect you and what you are saying. However, in this stupid world of us with multiple distractions and attention deficient humans this is not likely. Modeling the communication process a little bit, in a presentation, you have a noisy channel in which the presenter transmits a message and the audience is to receive it. In order to increase the chances the audience receives the correct message, it's necessary to insert redundancy. So, we shouldn't be completely concise.

Redundant writting styles take into consideration the lack of attention of the reader, they are more resilient to partial loss of content and they capture the interest of the potential reader who can quickly select among multiple texts to focus all attention in a particular field. Now our task will be to choose a minimal amount of redundancy that makes our texts resilient and still concise.