Friday, April 21, 2006


How do you expect me to fight for your love? A one sided love doesn't work.
How am I supposed to know if you do? You didn't give the least signal, so,
I suppose you don't.
There's only shadows all around, shadows of you, shadows of me and a little
light that comes and alleviates the tortures of the free crazy thoughts that
press me.
It's almost a year on, a year I've been mourning in your absence. Soon it will
be over and I'll stop mourning for you.
I am so sorry, though, but what the heck, I was not the one who cheated. . .
People often talks too much about what they don't know. . . .you were like a
godess to me, they didn't see it. .. they just judged. . . and you trusted them.
You didn't realize that most of the efforts I did, I did for you, I did thinking
in our future. . . I broke my back at work just for you, and you didn't see
it. Well, reminds, reminds, reminds, torture our souls sometimes. . . now
I am happy with Lizzy, I'd just like to honor the past remembrance of our
ways that got connected somehow in one that now, apparently forever, is broken.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Got a cold

Goodness ! I've been healthy from cold since last year. Now I am kind of dizzy and with headache. . . Hope I am going to get better soon enough !!!

My new relationship goes fine, I guess. We have a lot more things in common than the ones I had with Clara. However, that, too, can be a problem at large.

This holly week I spend a lot of time exercising. I bought a machine and now I am going to add some
muscles to my body, I guess it is a good time to add them .

Lizy and I made up a mechanism to help my blind robot kind of locate itself in space like a blind person, that is: using a staff. It will be funny. . . with all the aluminium in place, only some circuitry and screws to place and it will be functional soon.

To help me with my chess Game, I designed and built a chess Clock, which actually works. The PCB's
are ready and I think we 're gonna be transfering it from protoboard to pcb this week.

I hate to pay unuseful taxes, but you know . . . .death and taxes. . . . next month is my turn for the later. . . hope the former to wait for a loooong time ;)

That's all for now. . .. C. U. LAter.