Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Vacio implacable

Vacío en los ojos que contemplan el espacio
que se llena solo con recuerdos
Vacío silente, antes lleno de música, de risa
Vacío estático, antes lleno de movimiento, de gracia
Vacío solitario antes ocupado por
la alegría y la amistad ahora perdida
Vacío inmarcesible que se a veces se llena
pero siempre vuelve .... siempre
Vacía sensación de falta de propósito
Vacío implacable que nos recuerda la fragilidad de esta perra vida y lo inevitable de la muerte

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Google code jam 2009

This is the first time I enter the code jam qualification. It was interesting to solve problems which put to test your imagination. Although I contemplated the possibility of coding in python, I coded in C.

Problem C:

This was my solution to problem C (my favorite):

int L[20][502];
void init(){
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i<20; i++){
for( j = 0; j < 501; j++){
L[i][j] = -1;
int m(char *word, char *paragraph, int w_i,int p_i){
if (( paragraph[p_i] == 0 ) && ( word[w_i] != 0) ) {
L[w_i][p_i] = 0;
} else if (L[w_i][p_i] != -1){
} else if (word[w_i] == 0){
L[w_i][p_i] = 1;
} else if (word[w_i] == paragraph[p_i]){
L[w_i][p_i] = (m(word, paragraph, w_i + 1, p_i + 1) + \
m(word, paragraph, w_i, p_i + 1))%10000;
} else{
L[w_i][p_i] = m(word, paragraph, w_i, p_i + 1);
return L[w_i][p_i];
int main(void){
int i, N;
char str[502];
char word[20] = "welcome to code jam";
scanf("%d\n", &N);
for (i = 0; i < N ; i++){
fgets(str, 502, stdin);
printf ("Case #%d: %.4d\n", i+1, m(word, str,0,0));
return 0;

This was my solution to problem B (My second favorite):

char diffuse(int r, int c, int height, int width){
int n, s, e, w, m;
if (solution[r][c] == '.') {
n = get_terr(r-1, c, height, width);
s = get_terr(r+1, c, height, width);
e = get_terr(r, c+1, height, width);
w = get_terr(r, c-1, height, width);
m = min( min(n,s) , min(e,w) );
if ( terrain[r][c] <= m ){
last_sink ++;
solution[r][c] = last_sink;
return solution[r][c];
if (m == n){
solution[r][c] = diffuse(r-1, c, height, width);
}else if ( m == w){
solution[r][c] = diffuse(r, c-1, height, width);
}else if ( m == e){
solution[r][c] = diffuse(r, c+1, height, width);
}else if ( m == s){
solution[r][c] = diffuse(r+1, c, height, width);
return solution[r][c];

This was my solution to problem A:


#define MAX 502

char words[5000][17];
char patterns[500][MAX];

int L,D,N;

void read_input(int d, int n){
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < d; i++){
words[i][strlen(words[i])-1] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
fgets(patterns[i], MAX, stdin);
patterns[i][strlen(patterns[i])-1] = 0;

void convert( char *pattern, char *pat[], int l){
int i = 0;
int inside = 0;
*pat = 0;
while (*pattern){
if(*pattern == '('){
pat[i] = pattern + 1;
inside = 1;
} else if (!inside ){
pat[i] = pattern;
} else if ( inside ){
if ( *pattern == ')'){
inside = 0;
pattern[0] = 0;
pat[i] = 0;

int matches( char *wrd, char *pat[], int l){
int i;
for( i = 0; i < l; i++){
if(!strchr(pat[i], wrd[i])){
return 0;
return 1;

int main(void){
int i, j;
int counter ;
char *ptn[500];
if (3 != scanf ("%d%d%d\n", &L,&D,&N)){
printf ("Could not read sizes \n");
return 1;
read_input(D, N);
for (i = 0; i < N; i++){
convert( patterns[i], ptn, L);
counter = 0;
for( j = 0; j < D; j++){
if (matches( words[j], ptn, L )){
counter ++;
printf ("Case #%d: %d\n", i+1, counter);
return 0;

It was really funny to participate. I used bad sizes for the buffers of fgets (i.e. 501 instead of 502) in A and C. I have to be more careful with that.