Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Me confundes cuando callas, me confunde tu mirada, cuando te acercas sigilosa como quien puede ver a través de mis ojos, en mi alma. Me confunden tus retratos, me confunden tus amigos,y me enreda cuando expresas dagas en palabras que no sé si son pensadas. Te confunde mi distancia, te confunde mi silencio, pero tal vez mi silencio expresa más que mi arrogancia. Te sorprenden mis reacciones,
y también mis decisiones,la distancia es la esa barca en la que no mueves el agua.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

N810-Debian Chroot

"Easy chroot" is too large, and includes many unneeded things so I prefer to create my own chroot instead.

#In your PC:
#Download a fresh debian arm distribution :

mkdir chroot_armel
sudo debootstrap --arch=armel lenny chroot_armel

#Create a large file ~600MB, and format it with ext2 fs

dd if=/dev/zero of=chroot_armel.img.ext2 bs=1024 count=600k
mkfs.ext2 chroot_armel.img.ext2

#Mount the image and copy the bootstrap folders inside the image
mkdir tst
sudo mount -t ext2 -o loop,noatime chroot_armel.img.ext2 tst
sudo cp -a chroot_armel/* tst/

#Umount the image and copy it to your N810 using ssh (You can also do it
#with the usb cable instead of using ssh)
sudo umount tst
scp chroot_armel.img.ext2 root@THEIPOFYOURN810:/media/mmc2
#if you don't know the IP and you can't get a root terminal in your N810,
#you can just scan the network and see

#Now ssh your N810
ssh root@THEIPOFYOURN810
cd /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1
insmod mbcache.ko
insmod ext2.ko
mount -o loop,noatime /media/mmc2/chroot_armel.img.ext2 /debian
cd /
mount -t proc proc debian/proc
mount -o bind /dev debian/dev
mount -o bind /mnt/initrd/lib/modules debian/lib/modules
mount -o bind /sys debian/sys
cp /etc/resolv.conf debian/resolv.conf
cp /etc/hosts deban/hosts

chroot /debian

#Now install the deb packages in /var/cache/apt/archives using dpkg
#(At least aptitude with its dependencies)

#Update your apt sources.list:

echo "deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian lenny main
deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian unstable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list

#Upgrade using aptitude
aptitude update
aptitude safe-upgrade

#Have fun