Good morning everybody.
Today I was reading the Fareed Zakaria's World View in the
Newsweek Magazine. Zakaria writes an oppinion article every
week. He is characterized by his particular way to look at
trends of current history. This
week his article deals with a trend that is shaking the
politics world as we know it: Women at Power. He observes
that women have been kept away of politics for a long time,
and now are begining to reach levels that mark a new trend in
world history and society: they are reaching the power. He
quotes Fukuyama to state that there may be hard-wired
differences between the way men and women think, I agree with
that, because males and females of different species all use to
show a different pattern of behavior. We have to accept that
we are different, we think different and there are
similarities in thought in members of the same gender.
However, the mere mention of it makes me realize how bad
women are placed in today's society. Last week I was surprised to
hear in the news that women receive worse pay than men for the
same kind of work in many places. I had thought that these
differences had disapeared long ago, but that is not true.
Every thinking person has to recognize that if a person
performs a job, this person has to be paid for the job no
matter the gender this person has. It is logical, but
it is not true, at least not yet. It is good to find that women
are beginning to rise to power, but if you look at the
statistics, you find that in most industrialized countries,
women participation in Parliaments is less than 25%. That
should cause shame to all of us who claim to live in an
democratic world. The other dangerous growing trend is that of
women who want to have more rights than men and discriminate
men in their jobs. They probably want a revenge, to
equilibrate the weights in society, but they're also wrong
because they may start putting too much weight on the other
side. Women should have exactly the same rights than men, the
same number of seats in parliament, the same opportunity to
apply to a job and the same payment if they perform the same
job of a man. If our world continues to discriminate women who
are part of our same culture and our everyday lives, how do we
expect to solve problems based on race or religion? How do we
expect to have a true Democracy? How do we expect to reach
peace and equity?